Pubblichiamo di seguito il telegramma di cordoglio per le vittime delle inondazioni che hanno colpito in questi giorni diverse regioni dell’Iran, inviato dal Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin, a nome del Santo Padre Francesco:
His Holiness Pope Francis was saddened to learn of the loss of life, injury and damage caused by floods afflicting various regions of Iran, and he has asked me to convey his heartfelt solidarity with all affected. His Holiness commends the souls of the deceased to the love of the Merciful One, and invokes divine blessings of consolation and strength on those who grieve. Praying for the emergency personnel and all the efforts to provide relief, he entrusts the people of Iran to the providence of the Almighty.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State
Papa Francesco - Foto © CTV (Screenshot)
Il cordoglio del Santo Padre per le vittime delle inondazioni in Iran